
GIFMIS Training Workshop at Foso College of Education


GIFMIS Training Workshop at Foso College of Education

A training on the Ghana Integrated Financial Management Information system (GIFMIS) was organized by officials from the GIFMIS Secretariat from 3rd – 8th October 2022 for selected staff of the College. 

The trainer, Mr. Stephen Duah explained that GIFMIS is part of the broader PFM reforms programme and that the system is deployed for the management of public funds across Covered Entities in Ghana. He continued that the aim of the System is to establish an integrated ICT-based PFM information systems in Ghana at the Treasuries, MDAs and MMDAs located at the National, Regional and District levels.

Some of the uses of GIFMIS include:

  • Manage commitment made against appropriation
  • Process payment and claims
  • Record revenue and expenditure transactions
  • Produce Monthly, Quarterly and Annual Financial Reports.

Some benefits of the System include:

  • Addressing lack of integration between budget preparation and execution systems.
  • Addressing inadequate budgetary controls.

The training session was fully participated by key staff of the College, which included the Principal, Finance Unit, Audit Unit, Procurement Unit, Stores and IT Unit. 
