Bachelor of Education (BEd.)
Primary Education
The Bachelor of Education (BEd.) Primary is a programme designed for teachers who wish to sharpen their teaching competencies in the area of primary education.
The programme offers the methodological aspects of the related subject areas which seek to bolster the years of experience garnered by classroom teachers.

Primary Education
Development of quality primary teacher education programme to turn out quality primary school teachers who will able to provide all learners, irrespective of their gender, social, cultural, linguistic and ethnic background with the opportunity to acquire the appropriate knowledge, skills, values and attitudes has therefore become paramount. It is against this background that the Four-Year Bachelor of Education (Primary Education) Programme run by the University of Cape Coast and its affiliate Colleges of Education has been designed to help teacher-trainees acquire the necessary knowledge and skills they need to provide more authentic pedagogical contexts and activities that would help pupils to learn how to learn and become independent lifelong learners. In keeping with global trends and the demand for more learner-centred approaches to teaching, coupled with the significant challenges most Ghanaian school children face in the acquisition of functional literacy, numeracy and problem-solving skills, this rationale becomes very significant.
Programme Goals & Objectives Goals
- Become professional teachers who are well-equipped with knowledge, pedagogical skills and the disposition to learn and guide their pupils to meet their learning needs such as development of knowledge, skills, attitudes and values.
- Have a clear grasp of the intended outcomes of their teaching activities to enable them to assess learning and provide equal opportunity to all pupils.
- Promote close working relationship between Colleges of Education/University and local schools through the Supported Teaching in Schools, in order to expose teacher-trainees to hand-on-experience.
The programme seeks to train teachers who will be able to teach all core subjects at the primary level and also specialize in one subject area at that level. The programme therefore specifically seeks to train:
- Generalist teachers to teach Basic Numeracy, Literacy, Integrated Science and Citizenship Education/Environmental and Social Studies at the primary level and
- Specialist teachers in English, Mathematics, Science, Ghanaian Language, ICT, Vocational Skills, Religious and Moral Education, Music and Dance, Physical Education and Citizenship Education/Environmental and Social studies.