Foso College Of Education

I.C.T Policies


To achieve the strategic objectives of Foso College of Education, it is necessary that there must be ways of interactions and sharing of knowledge within the college as well as the outside world. Information and Communication Technology has been recognized as an efficient tool for achieving these objectives. The increasing role of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) as a vehicle for teaching, learning and research, and also as an important key skill for everyday life, has led to ICT moving towards the core of the College curriculum and also responding to the vision, mission and strategic priorities of the University.

Foso College of Education equipped with an ICT laboratory. The Library is also equipped with computers to allow patrons search on line. The ICT network comprises an

Ethernet LANs that cover the library and administrative blocks. The LANs are managed from a central server room which hosts various servers, switches, routers and other data terminal equipment.

The policy framework adopted will aid the College in sustaining the expansion, effective management and optimum utilization of ICT resources. It will also guide acquisition, further development, administration, maintenance and usage of the ICT facilities. With adequate investments in ICT, this policy document can be implemented to the advantage of the Foso College of Education patrons.


Some major reasons for formulating this ICT policy are:

  • Due to rapidly changing technologies, planning becomes increasingly important in order to avoid incompatibility and inaccessibility.
  • To address the severe scarcity of adequately trained and experienced analysts, software engineers, systems and network managers, coupled with their long training cycles constrains ICT developments.

(iii)To tackle the scarcity of financial and managerial resources.

  • The development of academic programs, courses, services, research programs, educational technological activities, policies and methods as well as the growth of the number of students and departments will depend on the availability of ICT services and systems.
  • To Integrate the College ICT policy to be in line with the National ICT Policy.

Aim of the ICT Policy

To support the strategic vision of the College by improving operational efficiency and exchange of information so as to maintain a competitive edge.

3.1Specific Objectives

The specific objectives of the College ICT policy are to:

  • Provide cost effectively information and communication technology facilities, services and automation.
  • Improve on patron satisfaction
  • Identify priority areas for ICT development.
  • Encouraging innovations in technology development, use of technology and general work flows
  • Help people to adapt to new circumstances and provide tools and models to respond rationally to challenges posed by ICT

Promoting information sharing, transparency and accountability and reduced bureaucracy in operations

Applicability and Compliance

All staff, students, persons and sections shall be required to comply with the provisions of this Policy.


This policy shall be guided by the following key principles:

  1. Mainstreaming of ICT in the College;
  2. Seamless integration of ICT;
  3. Inclusion, flexibility and support of other quality
  4. Management systems;
  5. Adherence to best practices & policies;
  6. Economies of scale and patron value propositions

The Policy Framework

The following policies including but not limited shall be developed:

  • ICT Services Management Policy
  • ICT Equipment Use Policy
  • Change Management Policy
  • ICT Resource Acquisition Policy
  • Anti-Virus Policy
  • Backup Policy
  • E-Mail Acceptable Use Policy
  • Help Desk Triage Policy
  • System Controls and Security Policy
  • ICT Asset Disposal Policy.
  • Website Management Policy.
  • Internet Bandwidth Management and Optimization Policy.
  • Information Systems Policy.
  • Disaster Recovery Policy.

These policies shall be formulated, approved by the management and incorporated in operationalization of the ICT policy.

Policy Review

  • This policy will be reviewed after every two years. The process of review shall involve the notices of such review to Head of Departments of the College requiring them to forward their suggestions or concerns in the policy document that members of their departments may have. After receiving the suggestions the ICT Committee shall convene and critically look at the sections and clauses that have been suggested for review.
  • The ICT Committee shall then make its recommendations to the Academic Board for consideration.
  • The Academic Board shall then make consideration of the recommendations from the ICT Committee and make recommendations to the College Council

Any changes shall only become effective from the date they are approved by the College Council.


Establish an ICT Committee of Academic board as an advisory management organ which will constitute the necessary subcommittee and task forces to develop the policy guidelines and regulations maintain and implement the ICT Policy.


The Academic Board shall inform all persons subject to this Policy of its terms as soon as efficiently possible after its adoption and at regular intervals thereafter.

Gender Responsiveness

The use of college facilities including library and ICT shall be gender responsive and shall be accessible to females without discrimination.