Health & Safety Policies
At Foso College of Education, we believe that sustainable success in quality teacher education can be reached only through people. No other asset in the institution is as important as the people that contribute with their work to our culture and our institutional results. Therefore, we devote all the necessary energy and attention to protect employees, contractors and any other
people involved with the College’s attainment of her objectives, including quality tuition,
practicum, action research etc. This Policy on Safety and Health at Work is based on the College Principles and the FOSCO Management and Leadership Principles, which are binding for the whole FOSCO.
Purpose or Objectives
Health and Safety is a key line management responsibility and the College is committed to ensuring that it is an integral part of the core management activity. The College is fully
committed to the Policy, which outlines the College’s support for the control of health and safety of staff, learners (students) and visitors on all the College’s premises.
Accordingly, within this Policy (below) is the College’s Health and Safety Policy Statement.
Areas or departments for which the policy will apply to include:
- Accident and Incident reporting
- Accident and Incident Investigation
- First Aid Arrangements
- Risk Assessments
- Stress Management
- Provision and use of work equipment
- Electrical safety
- Work at height
- Fire safety
- Workplace requirements
- Health and Safety Inspections and audit
The College’s Health and Safety Statement
The Council and management of Accra College of Education accept their collective responsibility in providing health and safety leadership at the College and understand their duties under the Health and Safety at Work. The College aims to achieve the highest possible standards of awareness and attention to all matters of safety, health and welfare, at all levels of the institution. The College will comply with all relevant legislation as a minimum and will
adopt the nationally recognised “Safe Learner Concept” and where possible, to apply “Best Practice” guidelines most importantly resources for female students and staff. The College will
also comply with any health & safety requirements of funding agencies.
The College acknowledges the legal responsibilities placed upon it and will encourage a high level of awareness of health and safety amongst its community. To this end the College, through the Council, will continue to make available suitable resources and competent technical health and safety support and advice, including training to ensure staff and learners are supported, remain competent to fulfil their health and safety duties and understand their responsibilities. It is noted however that staff and students are also responsible for their own safety and that of others.
The College is committed to achieving measurable, progressive improvements in health and
safety performance and will regularly review the policy and procedures during the academic year and adhere to the “Safe Learner Concept” or better where reasonably practicable.
Supporting Procedures:
Accident, Incident, Reporting and Investigation Procedures
- All college community members: staff, dependents of staff, students and visitors are to ensure that all accidents, incidents, occupational ill health and near misses are reported to the immediate line manager.
- The Head of Estates will liaise with line managers on the investigation of accidents and incidents to ensure that trends are identified and procedures put in place to avoid reoccurrences wherever possible.
First Aid Arrangement and Fire Safety Procedures
The Head of Estates and Health Officer ensure that the appropriate first aiders and fire
extinguishers are in place as required having conducted risk assessments of the areas of College
activities. Staff must be trained in evacuation procedures and practices.
Risk assessment and Work at height Procedures
- The Head of Estate and Health Officer should identify hazards within the workplace and suitable measures put in place to eliminate or, when this is not possible, to control those risks thus ensuring a safe working and learning environment for all. Risk assessment must be completed by all Line Managers.
- Head of Estate must make available scaffolding, ladders, stepladders for use.
- Review risk assessment at least annually and maintain the risk assessment in an
electronic format in a shared location on the college network.
Stress Management Procedure
Health Officer must ensure work related stress is assessed and managed.
Provision and use of Work Place Requirement Procedure
Equipment provided for the use of staff and students must be suitable for its purpose and safety.
The Head of Estate must provide training on the use of equipment.
The Health Officer should provide general advice on environmental standards which must be applied throughout the college.
Electrical safety Procedure
- The Head of Estates must provide guidance on electrical safety and the requirement for regular testing of appliances in accordance with statutory requirements and college policy.
- Ensure that the fix electrical system and portable electrical equipments are adequately maintained.
Health and Safety Inspections and audit
The Head of Estates will make regular inspection visits to all areas of the College and prioritize the degree of risk in each area.
Gender Responsiveness
The college would provide toilet facilities, sanitary bins and changing rooms that are gender responsive in all the female washrooms that are vital in ensuring that female employees and students are comfortable and relaxed when using those facilities.
The college gender champion shall monitor the female facilities to ensure that they are safe
for female staff and students’ usage.
- Responsibility for Implementation
The overall responsibility for Health and Safety in Accra College of Education is that of the College Council.
The Day-to-day responsibility for ensuring this policy is implemented is delegated to the College Principal, Vice Principal, Head of Estate and Health Officer.
Policy Statement
To receive an offer of a place of study at Accra College of Education (AcCE), applicants are required to demonstrate that they have the relevant academic qualifications at the required grades. The qualifications attained to gain successful entry to AcCE must be equal to or above the established minimum entry level for the qualification(s) being presented. Entry requirements to the College can be found at the College website. In situations where the number of applications greatly exceeds the number of places available, achieving the minimum entry requirements does not guarantee entry to the college. Applicants should also be able to demonstrate that they have the necessary personal, social skills and intellectual aptitudes required for successful performance at the college. To enable the Admissions committee to determine whether or not to offer an applicant a place of study at the college, three main sources of information are examined:
- Academic Qualifications
- Tutor /Teacher Reference
- The Personal Statement
- Inclusiveness
College Council
Health Officer Vice Principal Head of Estate
- Responsibility for Monitoring, Implementation and Compliance
The Health Officer and the Quality Assurance Unit.
- Status
In accordance with the Labour Act, it is obligatory on the employer to ensure health, safety and welfare of persons at workplace by minimizing the causes of hazards inherent in the working environment.
Employer must ensure careful and safe use, handling, storage and transport of articles and substances; and provide the necessary information, instructions, training and supervision as needed.
Employer must take measures to prevent contamination of the workplaces and protect the workers from, toxic gases, noxious substances, vapours, dust, fumes, mists and other substances or materials hazardous to safety or health. Sources: § 118-121 of the Labour Act 2003 (Act 651)
Meeting day for the Policy 4th March 2016
Policy approved by Governing Council, 1st June 2016
The implementation of the latest version of this policy supersedes all rules, regulations and
practices of Health and Sanitation in the College.
- Key Stakeholders
Relatives of staff
Visitors to the College
College Contractors
All Persons working on behave of the College
- Approval Body
The College Governing Council
- Initiating Body
Health and Safety Committee
- Definition of terms
Health: Health as defined by the World Health Organization, is a state of complete physical mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease infirmity.
- Related Legislation:
The Labour Act 2003 (Act 651)
- Related Policy and Other Documents
- Effective Date
September 2016
- Review Date
September 2017
- Key Words
Foso College of Education, Health and Safety Policy, Foso College Policy
- Owner / Sponsors
Health Committee
Head of Estate
- Author
College Council