Foso College Of Education

Gender and Inclusion Policies


Include a statement on equitable distribution of resources and opportunities

Purpose / Objectives

This gender policy is intended to guide Accra College of Education [here in after, referred to as the College] in its actions to eliminate barriers and gender inequality within the College community.

The policy document seeks to establish a framework within which the College endeavoursto encourage gender equity in all staff and student activities and ensure equitable participation and representation of both genders in all its decision making processes. Specifically, the policy commits the College to applying the principle of gender equity in staffing; training and development; in student enrolment; and provides equal opportunities in teaching, learning and research.


This policy applies to the members of the College community. Notably the Academic and Non-Academics department, staff and students.

Policy Statement

To receive an offer of a place of study at Foso College of Education (FOSCO), applicants are required to demonstrate that they have the relevant academic qualifications at the required grades. The qualifications attained to gain successful entry to FOSCO must be equal to or above the established minimum entry level for the qualification(s) being presented. Entry requirements to the College can be found at the College website. In situations where the number of applications greatly exceeds the number of places available, achieving the minimum entry requirements does not guarantee entry to the college. Applicants should also be able to demonstrate that they have the necessary personal, social skills and intellectual aptitudes required for successful performance at the college. To enable the Admissions committee to determine whether or not to offer an applicant a place of study at the college, three main sources of information are examined:

  • Academic Qualifications
  • Tutor /Teacher Reference
  • The Personal Statement
  • Inclusiveness

The College’s Gender and Inclusion Statement

  1. The Accra College of Education is committed to the achievement of gender balance with respect to both academic and non-academic staffing and decision-making processes.
  2. The College is committed to achieving gender balance in enrolment of students.
  3. The Accra College of Education shall address gender issues in the content of courses and course materials.



  1. The College shall support the development of policy documents from a gender perspective and the use of gender sensitive language at all levels of activity.
  2. The College is committed to ensuring that gender issues are considered and included in College grant proposal applications.
  3. Female staff and students accommodation and pregnancy.

Supporting Procedures:

  1. The Accra College of Education is committed to the achievement of gender balance with respect to both academic and non-academic staffing and decision-making processes.

Appointment and promotions procedures:

  1. The College shall give preference to women applicants in the recruitment process in situations where both sexes perform equally. However, departments where the ratio is already weighed in favour of men, women will be favourably considered.
  2. The College shall search for an equal number of men and women to fill vacant academic and non-academic positions.
  3. The College shall ensure that there is a fair representation of both women and men on all committees.
  4. The College shall ensure that its policies on staff development are fair and non-discriminatory on the basis of sex.
  5. The College shall ensure the review of its policy documents from a gender perspective.
  6. Women shall be encouraged to take up higher level responsibilities.
  7. The College will provide a mentoring scheme for women in areas where there is an identified need.
  8. The college shall provide gender training for both staff and students
  9. All classroom practices shall be gender responsive
  10. All tutors shall challenge traditional gender roles during lessons to challenge females to take up traditional male roles and responsibilities
  11. The college practices, activities and protocols are gender responsive
  12. College infrastructure is gender responsive
  13. College teaching practice is gender responsive
  14. The sexual harassment policy is fully implemented
  15. All policies of the college shall be gender responsive
  16. Recruitment in the college for positions shall be gender responsive
  17. College procedures shall be gender responsive



  1. Data collected and analyzed in the college shall be done in a gender responsive way
  2. College planning and budgeting are gender responsive
  1. The College is committed to achieving gender balance in students’ enrolment

Admission Procedures:

  1. The college will adopt appropriate concessionary measures in designated disciplines where numbers in a particular gender are unacceptably low.
  2. The college shall ensure gender equity in the award of scholarships to deserving students.
  1. The Accra College of Education shall address gender issues in the design of content of courses and course materials

Academic Affairs Committee procedures:

  1. Encourage the review and restructuring of courses to ensure coverage of gender issues.
  2. Promote an environment which is supportive of women in all aspects including teaching and learning processes, classroom management, organisation, the social and cultural and physical environment, values and attitudes.
  3. The college will ensure that its annual budget follows the tenets of gender budgeting.
  4. Plan for the implementation of gender studies within the college in the next five years.
  5. The College shall support the development of policy documents from a gender perspective and the use of gender sensitive language at all levels of activity

Language and Culture Development Procedures:

  1. The use of 'man' or 'men' as generic terms to describe both genders should be avoided as much as possible. The use of these terms should be restricted to males. Gender neutral/sensitive terms exist and should be used, for example, 'person', 'people', 'staff', 'personnel';
  2. Plural subjects should be used in case of unspecified gender to avoid awkward use of pronouns. For example, the phrase “Each student should check his or her results” should be expressed “Students should check their results”;



  1. Where it is not relevant, a person's gender should not be mentioned. For example the phrase “ The woman referee….” should be expressed “The referee ….”
  2. Educate the CollegeCommunity on the use of gender sensitive language.
  1. The College is committed to ensuring that gender issues are considered and included in College grant proposal applications.

Project and Development Committee Procedures:

  1. Project proposals in all fields shall consider the needs of all sexes, with greater emphasis on the training of women and their capacity-building.
  2. Monitoring and evaluation of projects should identify the impact on members of the college community especially women.
  1. Female staff and students accommodation and pregnancy:

When a pregnant tutor or trainee needs adjustments to her work and or studies, she has the responsibility to communicate this to management in a clear and timely way. She is also responsible to work with management to explore options for accommodation. She has the responsibility to accept a reasonable solution that accommodates her and allows her to fulfill the core functions of her position, even if the solution offered is not her preferred option.

A female tutor or female trainee should provide sufficient medical information so that management can make an informed decision regarding a request for accommodation. In some cases, initial notes from medical professionals may raise issues that require more detail in order to arrange the correct accommodation. When it is reasonably required, management should follow-up with their doctors to provide this information.

It is management’s responsibility to accommodate the needs of a pregnant tutor or trainee by

removing barriers that may limit her ability to do her job and or pursue her studies. It must seek out and explore alternatives, offering reasonable and dignified solutions to accommodate the trainee or tutor up to the point of undue hardship.


Management should make every effort to accept the medical advice of the tutor or trainee’s doctors. Clarifications or supplementary information should only be requested when this is necessary to arrange accommodation.

Responsibility for Implementation

The overall responsibility for Inclusive and Gender Policy in Accra College of Education is that of the College Council.

The Day-to-day responsibility for ensuring this policy is implemented is delegated to the College Principal, Vice Principal, Head of Appointment and Promotion Committee and Head of Academic Affairs.

College Council



Head of Appointment and



Head of Academic


Vice Principal






Promotion Committee











  1. Responsibility for Monitoring, Implementation and Compliance

The Head of Appointment and Promotion Committee and the Head of Academic Affairs.

  1. Status
  2. Key Stakeholders




  1. Approval Body

The College Governing Council

  1. Initiating Body

Gender Policy Committee

  1. Definition of terms

GENDER: In this policy framework document, refers to the social roles allocated respectively to women and to men in particular societies and at particular times. Such roles, and the differences between them, are conditioned by a variety of political, economic, ideological and cultural factors and are characterised in most societies by unequal power relations. Gender is distinguished from sex which is biologically determined. It is also defined as the socially and culturally constructed differences between men and women, boys and girls, which give them unequal value, opportunities and life chances. It also refers to typically masculine and feminine characteristics, abilities and expectations about how women and men should behave in society. These characters are time bound and changeable.

POLICY: Guiding principles to a course of action arrived at by decision-makers to address a particular issue or issues.

SEX: The biological state of being a male or female. Sex is not equal to gender.

EMPOWERMENT: The process of "conscientisation" which builds critical analytical skills for an individual to gain self-confidence in order to take control of her or his life. Empowerment of women is an essential process in the transformation of gender relations because it addresses the structural and underlying causes of subordination and discrimination.

GENDER AWARENESS: A state of knowledge of the differences in roles and relations of women and men and how this results in differences in power relations, status, privileges and needs. It is also the recognition of the differences in the interests, needs and roles of women and men in society and how they result in differences in power, status and privilege. It also means the ability to identify problems arising from gender inequity and discrimination.

GENDER DISCRIMINATION: Differential treatment to individuals on the grounds of gender.

GENDER EQUITY: The fair and just distribution of all means of opportunities and resources between women and men.

GENDER GAP: A difference in any aspect of the socio economic status of women and men, arising from the different social roles ascribed by society for women and men.

GENDER ISSUES: these are issues that arise when the relationships between women and men, their roles, privileges, status and positions are identified and analysed. Gender issues arise



where inequalities and inequities are shown to exist between people purely on the basis of their being female or male. The fact that gender and gender differences are socially constructed is itself a primary issue to deal with.

GENDER PERSPECTIVE: An approach in which the ultimate goal is to create equity and equality between women and men. Such an approach has a set of tools for and guidelines on how to identify the impact on development of the relations and roles of women and men.

GENDER POLICY: An organisation’s policy that integrates gender in the mainstream of its

programme activities, where the policy also designates institutionalarrangements, responsibilities, management functions and tools/guidelines for mainstreaming.

GENDER RESPONSIVE: Refers to a planning process in which programmes and policy actions are developed to deal with and counteract problems which arise out of socially constructed differences between women and men.

GENDER SENSITIVE: The state of knowledge of the socially constructed differences between women and men, including differences in their needs, as well as to the use of such knowledge to identify and understand the problems arising from such differences and to act purposefully to address them.

GENDER STEREOTYPING: Constant portrayal in the media, the press or in the education system, of women and men occupying certain roles according to the socially constructed gender division of labour and expectations in behaviour.

GENDER TRAINING: The provision of formal learning experiences and skills in order to increase gender analysis and awareness skills, which serve to recognise and address gender

issues in the programming process. Training can include the three dimensions of political: introducing gender concepts and analysis, the professional: providing staff with “how–to” skills and the personal: challenging an individual’s gender attitudes and stereotypes.

  1. Related Legislation:

African Union Gender Policy adopted in 2009

The Global Platform for Action endorsed in Beijing (1995) and

The UN Universal Declaration on Human Rights, Article 2 (1948).

  1. Related Policy and Other Documents
  2. Effective Date

September 2016

  1. Review Date

September 2017

  1. Key Words