
July 26, 2024: Deadline for the payment of 2023/2024 Second Semester Examination Fees

July 28 – Aug. 17, 2024: Sandwich Period

July 26, 2024 - Aug. 3, 2024: S.R.C week

31st July, 2024: Graduation/Congregation for 2023 year Group

Aug. 5- 9, 2024: B.Ed. Levels 100,200,300 and 400 Mid-Sem Quiz.

Aug. 26 – Sept 6, 2024: End-of-Second Semester Examination for B.Ed. Level 100,200,and 300 and 400 students

Sept.6, 2024: Closure of portal for the entering of continuous assessment scores

Sept. 7, 2024: B.Ed. Level 100,200 and 300 and 400 Students go down

Oct. 21 – Nov. 1, 2024: B.Ed. Levels 100 and 400 First and Second Semester Resit Examination

Oct. 23, 2024: Third UCC Affiliated Colleges of Education Board Meeting to consider B.Ed. Level 200 and 300 Second Semester Examination Results

Oct. 24, 2024: Publication of B.Ed. Levels 200 and 300 Examination Results

November: 60th Anniversary Launching